EIT 2003
Enabling Worldwide Communication and Progress Utilizing Information Technology

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IEEE Region 4


Leadership Skills Workshop

2003 IEEE EIT Conference
June 05-06, 2003
Indianapolis, IN, USA

Conducted by Charles P. Rubenstein, Ph.D.
Thursday, June 5
Afternoon Session

This workshop will help participants recognize and develop interpersonal, group, team and individual leadership skills. The format is through interactive participation, also using exercises and case studies. The skills developed are appropriate for application in management or leadership positions in various types of organizations, including business, industry and volunteer activities.

The Course will introduce such issues as:

  • What are the attributes of a leader? What does a leader do?
  • What motivates people? What motivates volunteers?
  • What is the relationship between management and leadership?
  • Holistic communications and active listening: Keys to leadership
  • Problem identification and solution techniques
  • Identification of personal interactive skills (Jungian types)
  • Identifying conflict styles and managing conflict
  • Brainstorming for building teams and consensus
  • Coaching and Persuasion
  • Basic Presentation Skills (powerpoint)

Major portions of the content of the leadership development workshop were originally developed by Ray Findlay, of McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and past IEEE President.