Robert J. Herrick is Purdue University's Robert A. Hoffer Distinguished Professor of
Electrical Engineering Technology and Teaching. He has been recognized with national,
regional, university, school, and department awards for outstanding teaching and
professional service. He has been active in promoting outstanding teaching and education
through his leadership in ASEE, IEEE, and the Frontiers in International Education Conference;
his teaching-the-teachers workshops at national conferences and special workshops,
his leadership in the Purdue University Teaching Academy; and publications on education.
He is the senior member of the Purdue University's Murphy Award Committee that selects
Purdue University's most outstanding undergraduate teachers. The Murphy Award is a
lifetime award that Professor Herrick received in 1993. He was honored in becoming a
Purdue University Distinguished Professor in 1996. He is a professor and department
head of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at Purdue University where he
has taught circuits and analog electronics for the past thirteen years. His former
experience includes nine years of teaching and faculty leadership with the University of
Toledo while also serving as a consulting engineer for major industry; thirteen years
as a full-time design and development engineer with AT&T's Bell Telephone Laboratories
and with ITT's Advanced International Technology Center; and service in the
U.S. Air Force in navigational aides electronics technology.
Prof. Herrick combines his rich engineering and technical experiences with an educational
approach to education that engages students in an active learning process that has been
extraordinarily successful with his students.
Professor Herrick, along with Professor Jacob,
will lead a workshop on the Art and Technology of Teaching Technology.