EIT 2003
Enabling Worldwide Communication and Progress Utilizing Information Technology

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IEEE Region 4


The Art and Technology of Teaching Technology

Robert J. Herrick
The Robert A. Hoffer
Distinguished Professor of Teaching
Purdue University

J. Michael Jacob
The McNelly Professor
of Technology
Purdue University

Professors Herrick and Jacob lead national teaching workshops throughout the country on the Art and Technology of Teaching Technology. They will be facilitating a workshop at this conference that is a subset of their multi-day workshops they have presented through NSF advanced technology education centers, at national and international conferences, and by university invitations. The workshop at this conference focuses on:

  • Improving retention (and thus enrollment) via pedagogy, curriculum planning, and teaching tools
  • Exploiting the interactive classroom - incite students to learn
  • Technology tools for effective learning - in the classroom, in the laboratory, and on the Internet
  • Coordinated/integrated curriculum and pedagogy - curriculum flow and pedagogy can turn students on or off

Curriculum planning, teaching delivery, and technology tools can synergistically work together to produce a program that will engage, excite, and retain students. Through use of these techniques plus other factors presented in the workshop, the presenters' program has experienced significant improvement in student retention and student enrollment growth, well above the national norm. The workshop leaders share their own successes at Purdue University and actively engage attendees to share their experiences.