Central Indiana Section of IEEE

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February 2004

Chair's Corner

Happy New Year!! Tired of the snow yet? Last time I wrote this we were preparing for Halloween, Thanksgiving, The CIS-IEEE 2nd Annual Awards Banquet and a well deserved break. I do not know how the other holidays were for you but the 2nd Annual Awards Banquet was a complete success. Many thanks to our keynote speaker Dr. Linda Kathei. Attendance was three times more than the first banquet. An update on the Sections' activities of the past year was presented. Also presented were senior member lapel pins to the members who had achieved Senior Member status in 2003. Scholarships were awarded to six programs. They are: ECE and ECET departments of the School of Engineering & Technology, IUPUI; ECE department, School of Engineering and ECET department school of Technology at Purdue University, West Lafayette; ECE department, School of Engineering, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and ECT department, School of Technology, Indiana State University. A monetary award was presented to Professor Bill Conrad for his robotics grant which will enable high school students to learn about Engineering. Congratulations also go out to the Member of the Year, Alan Stillerman (Honest, I did not know I was going to get this award until they told me.) Pictures and PowerPoint slides from the banquet will be posted shortly. Keep next November open for the 3rd Awards Banquet.

Also at the awards banquet, the officers for 2004 were presented. They are:
ChairmanAlan Stillerman
Vice-ChairmanJose Ramos
SecretaryTom Bishop
TreasurerBill Lin
DirectorKen Reid
DirectorNorbert Viranyi
Vice-Chairman Ed Cohee stepped down due to new job obligations. Good luck Ed in your new job.

Many thanks go out to Jose Ramos for accepting the Vice-Chairman position for 2004. Welcome Jose Ramos.

So what's in store for 2004, you ask? Well I'm glad you asked that. Many of the items that we started last year will be built on this year. Our first Executive Committee meeting of the year will be on Thursday, January 29, at 6:00 p.m. All of the Executive Committee meetings will be held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. and are open to all members of the Central Indiana Section. My apologies for not getting the word out sooner for this very important planning meeting.

Didn't you say you were going to talk about what was coming up this year?
IEEE national is continuing their Senior Member Initiative. We will continue to promote Senior Membership and will hold a future event to help those through the process. More detailed information can be found at: http://www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/md/smprogram.html

National Engineers Week: This will be held during the last week in February. Central Indiana Section will help sponsor activities with the School of Engineering & Technology at IUPUI.

Awards: Not only do we have "Member of the Year", but we also have, "Engineer of the Year". These awards are open to all members of the Central Indiana Section. More information can be found at http://www.cis-ieee.org/awards/ or contact Tom Bishop our awards chairman.

PACE activities. Professional Activities Committees for Engineers. We will have more PACE activities throughout the year. More details to follow. Contact Al Razban to let him know what type of PACE activities you would like the section to have. More information about PACE can be found at: http://www.ieeeusa.com/pace/whatis.asp

Book August for the Indianapolis Indians Baseball game and Picnic. More info to follow.

What activities would you like the Section to do? Joint Section/Chapter meetings? Tours? PACE activities? Let us know. This is your section. You can help. You can make a short term commitment or a long term commitment. Come to the Executive Committee Meetings to find out what we are up to. We will also be posting things on our website http://www.cis-ieee.org. You can also e-mail your ideas to anyone on the Executive Committee.

Do you have information about things going on in the Engineering community, announcements, that would fit into our newsletter, "The Reporter"? Contact Shelley Born, our newsletter Editor. We have ad rates, inquire within. The Reporter is published four times a year.

And always check out the CIS website for the latest up to date goings on. I promise that the website will stay current.

In Service,

Alan Stillerman
Central Indiana Section IEEE

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Updated 2/29/2004